Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Frying 300 Eggs

I spent last week working at Kan-Ok Bible Camp, helping out in the kitchen.  I've worked at camps before, but always as a counselor.  From that I know that good food is important to camp, but I didn't realize just how much food it takes to feed a camp.  It was interesting to have another job and see what it takes to feed 196 people 3 times a day (4 if you count night snack!)

Cinnamon Rolls for breakfast at 8am?  No problem, just start early...5 am to be exact (and earlier for the first couple of people mixing!). They were delicious and totally worth it though- the campers loved them! The 300 eggs from the title?  We fried them for Friday breakfast.  And yes, it took quite a while to crack them. We used almost 100 pounds of flour throughout the week, used 500 buns, and  made 32 loaves of French bread into garlic bread.
God calls us all to serve Him in different ways.  Some ways are out in front, others are behind the scene.  Sometimes He calls to ministries that last a lifetime,  Other times the ministries only last a week or a few hours.  Whatever He calls you to-answer the call.  You'll be glad you did. 

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