Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What's Your Reason? Challenge

Introducing the


If you've just been challenged or you've seen someone else do it and you want to know more, you've come to the right place to find out more!

How it works
To participate in the challenge first pray about what God would have you give.  You can make your donation by going to: https://wgm.org/larson (Email me at Sarah.Larson@wgm.org if you would prefer to make a donation through the mail).  Donations can be one time gifts of any size, or a commitment to monthly support (once again, this can be any amount).  Another way to participate is to ask your church about having me come to share about the ministry in Honduras.

Then,  you make a post to Facebook containing:

2 Pictures of yourself holding signs (or you could substitute a video!).  In the first picture you hold a sign saying what you are doing.  Something like one of these two, depending on how you are giving: 

The second picture you take would be you holding a sign with your reason for giving.  What is your reason?  Check our these blogs for reason or use your own reason.

Along with the pictures include:

A link back to this blog entry so that others can see who and what you are talking about.

A challenge at least one other person to do the challenge by tagging him or her in your post.

A link to the page where donations can be made: https://wgm.org/larson

A few Other thoughts:

Be creative!  How can you grab people's attention?  A really cool sign?  Maybe get your really adorable dog to hold it?

You do not have to be challenged by someone, you can challenge yourself to do it!

Need help?  Not sure how to do something?  Questions?  I'll be happy to help.

So, why Facebook?  Why a challenge?
Social media is a great way to get people's attention these days.  It's something many people check frequently, and posts that include pictures and videos often catch a lot of attention.  Why a challenge?  Because it's fun!  And it may get the attention of someone who would  not really give much thought to participating.  

The goal is for it to spread and reach as many people as possible.  Of course larger donations are great, but don't feel like you have to have a lot of money to give in order to be a blessing! Gifts of all sizes add up. If the challenge reaches 20 people who can only give $5 each, then that's $100.  My greatest need is for monthly support, but one time gifts are great too.

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