Earlier this week I came across an old note on Facebook (basically that's Facebook's version of a blog). It was written the day before I turned 20, and it was interesting to read what I had to say about my hopes for the future almost 10 years ago.
Me, shortly before turning 20
It reads:
So, tomorrow, I will no longer be a teenager. So long best years of my life. Ok, so Jr. high royally [stunk], and so did part of highschool, but I don't know how any other time in my life will ever be able to top it. From here it is all downhill. Well, really when I hit 25 in 5 years because that is the point at which one's body starts to slowly die (lovely though, eh?). So, it's sad in a way. But then again, maybe this new decade (new decade? wow.) will bring some adventure and fun. Maybe new people to get to know and love. I think I would be alot more enthused if my biggest plans for the day weren't an exam that I will probably fail, lol. So...I wonder what I will write when I turn 30? Shall I say that being my 20's can't be topped? I guess that's life. Adventure of the unknown.I have to laugh when I read my bleak outlook on my 20s. It's been a great decade. Much better than being a teenager. I was right about meeting great new people. I don't remember whether I passed the exam or not (probably barely because I remember it was in Latin), but I remember the fun I had making a cake to bring to the exam (and the good laugh my professor got over the bad translation of "Happy Birthday").
When I think of the hopes and dreams I had I can't help but wonder what I would have thought back then if I was told all at once about what the next 10 years would hold. I know I would have loved the idea of living in a foreign country and speaking a second language. I would have been disappointed to learn that I wasn't married and don't have a high paying career. I think I would have found it intriguing that I am now a missionary, but I wouldn't have understood.
Looking back at who I was then, I am so grateful for the way the Lord has guided and molded me. He has formed my life in ways I never could have imagined. I'm still a half a year from turning 30, but I don't feel a sense of dread because I have a Master Craftsman shaping me and my future.
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