Wednesday, April 23, 2014

What's been up with Me and 5 Interesting Facts about Honduras

So, what have I been up to?  Well, putting out my newest newsletter, participating in the Honduras field annual conference via webcam, Easter, and more speaking engagements.  

And what's coming up?  On May 4th I'll be speaking in southwestern Kansas, and I'll be there for a few days before and after.   I am hoping to find more places to speak at while I am there and I hope to see lots of old friends while I am up there.  That Sunday is looking full, but if you know of any Bible studies or midweek services that would be willing to have me come and share, I would be really grateful for your help!  I'd also love to see any of you who live up there while I am visiting. 

After my trip to Kansas my schedule is looking rather empty.  Please pray with me that God would help me find opportunities.  Also, if you can help me find new places and opportunities, that would be amazing! Some of the churches I have been to have been churches that I have attended and have known personally, but others have been ones that a friend had helped me get into.  Please pray and ask God if He would have you have you ask your church if I could come and share what God is doing in Honduras!

5 Interesting Facts about Honduras:

1)  Most of the population is Catholic, and the Virgin of Suyapa —represented by a tiny statuette— is considered the patron saint of Honduras. The Evangelical church is also seeing significant growth.

2)  In addition to receiving gifts at Christmas, children are celebrated and receive gifts on 10 September, day of the Honduran Child.

3) The main export products are bananas, coffee and wood.

4)  The languages used are Spanish, English, Garifuna, Miskito, and other indigenous languages.

5)  After Austrailia, Honduras is the country with the most coral reefs.  They surround the Bay Islands.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Concert of Prayer

As Christians, we believe in the power of prayer.  We know that when we pray we are communicating with God in a very personal way.  It is very important that we lift up our families, those who surround us, and our nation in prayer.  We are also called to pray for missions and missionaries, but this is difficult if we don't know what to pray for!

Here's a couple ways to make praying for missionaries more dynamic:

1) Get connected!  Sign up for their newsletters.  Check to see if they have a blog and/or Facebook page.  When you meet a missionary that you feel called to partner with in prayer ask the missionary how you can keep connected with what is going on in their ministry.  If you can get an email address for them that is great!  Missionaries keep busy, but are overjoyed to receive notes from people saying something like "We're praying for you!  Is there anything on your heart that we can pray about specifically right now?"

2) Volunteer to be a contact person between your church and one of their missionaries.   Read their newsletters, post them on the bulletin board, and every once in a while ask for a few minutes in the service to highlight some of their prayer needs to the congregation and lead them in a prayer for them.   Find others in your church who can "adopt" other missionaries your church supports so that the congregation can discover the work being done!

3) Join the Concert of Prayer.  What's that?  During April, May, and June WGM highlights certain ministries/ways of ministering.  This week (April 6-12) Evangelism is highlighted.  There are special blogs each week, and even a phone number you can call to listen to a recording that will help lead you in prayer.  Go to: to learn more!

Some of my current prayer needs:
1)  Coming up I have some more churches that I will be speaking at, but I am looking for more!  As I contact churches pray that God will open doors for me to speak!  
2) I have been working with a ministry that teaches ESL classes, and this week we are going to have an Easter potluck and talk about the meaning of Easter.  Pray that the hearts of the students would be open as they hear about what Christ did for us!
3)  Allergies are making me feel very fatigued.  Pray that these would ease up and/or I would find an effective way to deal with them.