
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

This Week...

This week I have the privilege of going back to one of the places that had an influence over me as a kid.  Camp.  Growing up, Kan-Ok Bible Camp was one of the highlights of my summers.  There are lots of things I remember- making new friends, singing in the dining hall, skit night, pranks, and so much more.  And along with all the fun we learned about God.  That's one of the things I appreciate most as I look back at my time there.  Between hearing a speaker twice a day, praise and worship, planned personal devotion time, Bible trivia "baseball", and cabin devotions in the evening it was clear that God was the priority.  

In college I worked for four summers as a counselor at a camp near where I live, and there I got some experience in how much goes into making a successful camp.  Sometimes at the end of the day I would be very tired and really tempted to just send my campers to bed without taking time to do devotions, but then I would think of what camp was like for me as a camper at Kan-Ok.  I remember the dedication of my counselors, especially toward spiritual things- even if we couldn't get everything else done we would make God a priority. I also saw great examples as they kindly helped and worked with some of the more difficult campers.  Seeing this example not only has helped me as a counselor, but also in everyday life.

So this week I am going back.  This time I'll be helping with the cooking.  I am looking forward to seeing God work at camp, and I pray that this week will be a time where hearts and lives are changed and a new generation is given an example!

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